Highest number of Palm Beach foreclosure properties listed: 56,943

Palm Beach Gardens Neighborhoods:

Click a Palm Beach Gardens Neighborhood below to view foreclosures properties.


The Community Of Evergrene Loves Nature. The Homes Blend Into Their Lush Surroundings Instead Of Dominating Them. 963 Homes Make Up The Community,

Waterview Estates

Waterview Estates Is A Quaint Neighborhood Community Consisting Of 235 Town Homes In Palm Springs, Florida. The \"water View\" Referred To In The N

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Now You Can Bid on Palm Beach Gardens Foreclosures Right From Your Computer!

Palm Beach County has 1000's of properties coming up for foreclosure auction and now you can get in on the action. As of January 2010, Palm Beach county has opened up their foreclosure auctions to online bidding.Take advantage of this opportunity and save 10's of thousands of dollars or your next home or investment. You won't find these properties on any real estate or foreclosure listings site!


The Next Palm Beach County Foreclosure Auction