Highest number of Palm Beach foreclosure properties listed: 56,949


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Palm Beach Tax Deed Auction Results

Tax Deed

5150 Elmhurst Rd D, West Palm Beach, Fl 33417

2/1.5, 1,434 Sqft
Canceled: 01/15/2020


Tax Deed

140 Kent I #140-i, West Palm Beach, Fl 33417

1/1, 615 Sqft
Canceled: 01/15/2020


Tax Deed

86 Andover D #86-d, West Palm Beach, Fl 33417

1/1, 615 Sqft
Canceled: 01/15/2020


Tax Deed

18 Kingswood A #18-a, West Palm Beach, Fl 33417

1/1, 615 Sqft
Canceled: 01/15/2020


Tax Deed

107 Andover E #107-e, West Palm Beach, Fl 33417

1/1, 615 Sqft
Canceled: 01/15/2020


Tax Deed

School House Rd, Jupiter, Fl 33458

0/0, 0 Sqft
Canceled: 01/15/2020


Tax Deed

27 Golfs Edge #27a, West Palm Beach, Fl 33417

1/1.5, 750 Sqft
Canceled: 01/15/2020


Tax Deed

154 Waltham G #154-g, West Palm Beach, Fl 33417

1/1, 615 Sqft
Canceled: 01/15/2020


Tax Deed

204 Camden I #204-i, West Palm Beach, Fl 33417

1/1, 615 Sqft
Canceled: 01/15/2020


Tax Deed

5941 Bahama Ct, West Palm Beach, Fl 33407

2/2, 1,564 Sqft
Canceled: 01/15/2020


Tax Deed

1902 N Federal Highway, Lake Worth, Fl 33460

0/0, 0 Sqft
Canceled: 01/15/2020


Tax Deed

353 Canal St, Belle Glade, Fl 33430

0/0, 0 Sqft
Canceled: 01/15/2020


Tax Deed

1st St, Palm Beach Gardens, Fl 33410

0/0, 0 Sqft
Canceled: 01/15/2020


Tax Deed

Us Highway 441, Boynton Beach, Fl 33472

0/0, 0 Sqft
Canceled: 01/15/2020


2/1.5, 1,434 Sqft Canceled: 01/15/20
Case 36442013


1/1, 615 Sqft Canceled: 01/15/20
Case 31972016


1/1, 615 Sqft Canceled: 01/15/20
Case 30032013


0/0, 0 Sqft Canceled: 01/15/20
Case 29762012


1/1.5, 750 Sqft Canceled: 01/15/20
Case 29032013


1/1, 615 Sqft Canceled: 01/15/20
Case 27392013


2/2, 1,564 Sqft Canceled: 01/15/20
Case 25612016


0/0, 0 Sqft Canceled: 01/15/20
Case 4002012


0/0, 0 Sqft Canceled: 01/15/20
Case 3432013


0/0, 0 Sqft Canceled: 01/15/20
Case 3382013


0/0, 0 Sqft Canceled: 01/15/20
Case 3092013


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Featured Auction

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4660 Nw 5th Ln, Boca Raton, Fl 33431

3/2, 2,320 Sqft
Date: 03/31/2025

Auction Status: Upcoming


4375 Dawnridge St, Palm Beach Gardens, Fl 33410

2/2, 2,127 Sqft
Date: 03/31/2025

Auction Status: Upcoming


5131 Europa Dr I, Boynton Beach, Fl 33437

3/2, 1,657 Sqft
Date: 03/31/2025

Auction Status: Upcoming


1190 Bimini Ln, Riviera Beach, Fl 33404

3/2, 2,727 Sqft
Date: 03/31/2025

Auction Status: Upcoming

As Seen In
  • The Palm Beach Post
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The Next Palm Beach County Foreclosure Auction